Ramadhaan 1441 Sadaqah Jar Challenge, Ages 5 to 7
April 27, 2020
Everyday Ibaadah and Tarbiyyah Outside the Box collaborated in order to provide children between the ages of 5 and 7 with a Sadaqah Jar/Box Challenge. Submissions were due May 4th and finalists announcements were posted on May 6th via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. If you are interested in learning about future challenges please subscribe to our mailing lists.
Ramadhaan 1441 3D Masjid Model Challenge, Ages 8 to 12
May 04, 2020
Everyday Ibaadah and Tarbiyyah Outside the Box collaborated to provide a 3D Masjid Model Challenge for children between the ages of 8 and 12. Submissions were due May 12th and finalists announcements were made May 15th via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Please subscribe to our mailing list if you are looking for additional challenges that we will offer throughout the year.

Ramadhaan 1441 Teen Challenges, Ages 13 to 17
May 04, 2020
Everyday Ibaadah and Tarbiyyah Outside the Box collaborated to provide children and teens between the ages of 8 and 17, with a variety of challenges to help keep them motivated this Ramadhaan. The submission deadline for the BaKing, Poetry, and Multimedia Challenge was May 12th. Finalists announcements were posted May 15th via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Subscribe to our mailing list for the announcement of our next list of challenges and submission deadlines insha Allah.
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