our why?
As a publisher, we strive to serve as a source for developing quality, reliable, academic, islamic, books, language tools, materials and resources parents can trust, educators can rely on, and children can love.
Our team is about creating materials Muslim children can see themselves reflected in, and which can relate to their everyday lives and experiences.
This is why we strive to help children become grounded in their Ibaadah, and confident in themselves!

our intent
How do we ensure our materials reflect Islam at its best in a clear and authentic manner?
Ustaadh Mustafa George Deberry
We are committed to creating resources made especially for the Muslim student--that are common core compatible, meets national and next generation science standards for learning. Our curriculum is designed with care for classrooms, home-schools, parents looking to supplement, and children who are eager to learn. Because we are constantly striving to improve products, we welcome your feed back, questions, or comments at info@everydayibaadah.com!
We adhere to the Quran and Sunnah, follow the manhaj of the first three generations, as well as past, and current day scholars. Our curriculum writer’s educational backgrounds range in a variety of Bachelorette and advanced Master degrees. Writers hold credentials and/or certificates in the content areas you’ll find written materials. All writers have experience in teaching and have either worked in K-12, home school, or adult education settings. We ensure that all resources produced or published by Everyday Ibaadah are checked and reviewed by reliable students of knowledge. Writer bios coming soon!