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Easy Fashion Crafts for Girls, Ages 4-10

Many parents are looking for creative things for their children to do because of the global lockdowns. Oftentimes, there are loads of crafts which can be found online, however, they may be crafts that incorporate images with faces, and do not take into consideration elements of the Quran an Sunnah based upon the first three generations. Or, entirely contradict fundamental principles of tawheed we cherish so much!

They may be crafts, which, in our quest to find something halal for our children to do--may seem harmless at first, but then end up being something we have to adapt, modify, or re-think. We wanted to help make things simple for moms and teachers like us. So, this week we decided to make a blog dedicated to a craft activity for girls between the ages of 4 to 10. We anticipate this being the first out of many more halal craft activities to come insha Allah.

In addition, to make easy step crafts that parents and teachers can follow we will always have free printables that you can use as templates. After reading this blog, watch our step by step video on our main page. Then go to the free stuff section created just for moms and teachers like you…click, download, and enjoy!

My Hijab Craft Activity #1

Materials Needed:

Construction paper


Glue or tape


Watercolor Paint

Paint Brush



Costume Jewels Decorations

Step One:

First, choose a sheet of colored construction paper. Use the My Hijab Craft template as a pattern to guide you. Cut the template out and then place it on top of the construction paper. Follow the dotted lines with the number 1.

Step Two:

Next, take your colored hijab cut out and fold it in half, with the template on top of it once again to help you cut along the second dotted line with the number 2 for your featureless face. Unfold your hijab with the face cut out and place to the side.

Step Three:

Then, Take the face template and cut along the dotted lines with the number 3. Place it onto another sheet of colored or white construction paper to cut out a featureless face.

Step Four:

Now, flip your hijab back over and glue or tape the featureless face to the back of the hijab to fill the space where the face was cut out. Then flip it back over and decorate using watercolors, markers, confetti, glitter, and costume jewels. Enjoy! ​


My Abaya Craft Activity #2

Materials Needed:

Construction paper


Glue or tape


Washable Paint

Paint Brush


Polka Dots

Costume Jewels/Button Decorations

Step One:

First, choose a sheet of colored construction paper. Use the My Abaya Craft template as a pattern to guide you. Cut the template out along the dotted lines and then place it on top of the construction paper.

Step Two:

Then, remove the pattern template and decorate your abaya using paint, markers, polka dot cut outs, glitter, costume jewels, or costume buttons. Enjoy! A simple variation would be to use fabric instead of construction paper. Have Fun!


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