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Questions About Ramadan

The latest discussion in many homes around the world with our children is how will we spend our Ramadan? Will the stay at home orders lift, and our daily affairs return to normal, or will we be subjected to enjoin the usual practices of this special month at home.

For some of us, we can find the beauty that this opportunity presents. We may have been wanting to spend more quality time together as a family—but because of work, school, and other outside obligations have been unable to do so in the way that we have been wanting too.

We realize that this may be a major shift in the way that some of us think, and how some of our families have operated. Especially, when it comes to the affairs of what we need to do for our daily survival and sustenance. However, as a believer in the decree of Allah Azza wa jal we can contend that the risq comes from Allah and it is He who we should place our trust in at this time. We also believe that there is a silver lining that has come with this epidemic. Everyone is being presented with an opportunity to have the best Ramadan that they can, insha Allah, with their families at home.

Some of us may have heard the following Hadeeth:

It was narrated that the wife of ibn Mas’ud requested from him a jilbab (outer garment) and he said, “I fear that you will leave the jilbab of Allah which he will cover you with.” She said, “ what is that?” He said, “Your house.”

This hadeeth is not only a reminder that our homes are a protection for us as women and mothers, but also reinforces the concept that by following the stay at home orders we can help protect our families, and then in turn our communities.

In a recent video, Shaykh Salih al Fawzan reminds the believers that in regard to epidemics like COVID-19, “Allah the mighty and majestic is the One that has sent it upon us. And He is the One capable of removing it, and protecting the Muslims from it.” This is something that we have to keep in mind and reiterate with our children in order to help them understand Allah’s decree in the affairs that are taking place around the world.

We know that many children are also worried that they will not be able to celebrate Eid, enjoin in the benefits of iftar with family and friends, or take part in activities that are usually hosted at various masajid this time of year. Help them understand this defining moment in history and the positives that this month can still bring. Use it as a teachable moment to focus upon the overall value of the month.

Although, we do not know if conditions will improve before Eid al-fitr begins, start talking with your children now about the realities of this current time. Explain what this may mean for how we practice Ramadan this year, and how in light of everything we can still make the best of it. A Muslim Homeschool has a great Ramadan Action Planner you can use to map things out. Visit their site at

You can plan fun Ramadan related craft activities, games the whole family can take part in, listen to a wide range of lectures, and classes being facilitated from many of the masajid around the world for children and families. Let your children help you prepare suhoor as well as iftar. Or, set challenges the family can have fun with. Reading Quran with each child on a rotational schedule or collectively as a family with Tafseer combined is also a great initiative everyone can put forth.

Develop healthy habits with the time that we have been given to perfect worship as a family. Helping children to connect to this understanding in a meaningful and relative way can build memories that can lead to helping strengthen their individual relationships with Allah. There are even charts that help with prayer positions which can be useful for implementing tawareeah in the home too. Finally, you can plan for an Eid celebration you can do at home with family. Ask your children for ideas that they may have in order to make the day fun and memorable. Begin brainstorming these ideas now! By including children in this part of the process and conversation it will help to make things easier.

Here are a few beneficial links we think are useful:

1.) Let’s Learn About Our Prophet, for ages 7-14. Albaseerah Quran School by Abu Awra Ali. To get caught up on the first class which began this Wednesday April 8th. Classes will be offered every Wednesday at 5 pm UK time for the next five weeks. You can click on the link below:


2.) Ramadhan Stories, by Umm Maimoonah, for boys and girls ages 6-10, two-day workshop April 11th and 18th.

3.) Fruits of Ramadhan, by Umm Maimoonah, for for girls only ages 10-17, two-day workshop April 12th and 19th.

In order to access more information you can click on the link here at www.

4.) A Muslim Homeschool has a workshop that will be offered also around Ramadan planning. There are a lot of great

downloadable resources, games, and materials which can also be accessed on their site

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