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A Ramadhaan Activity Pack with the Muslim Teenager in Mind

By now, we are aware that this month appears like it may be different from the typical ways that we are used to executing our ibaadah and celebrating the completion of our fasts this Ramadhaan. Simultaneously, many youth and children have questions or concerns about how Ramadhaan can be observed.

In homes around the world many of the same questions are being asked. How will we make Tawareeah prayer? Will we be able to have iftar like we are used to doing with family and friends? Does the masjid plan to open during Ramadhaan? Will there be an Eid celebration? And if not, what will we do to celebrate Eid at home?

If your child hasn’t begun asking these questions you can begin figuring out ways to circumvent any feelings of frustration or lack of understanding they may experience. Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah in Germantown, Philadelphia is providing weekly Q&A by Ustadh Hassan Somali to answer questions like these for families and individuals in order to help alleviate some of these concerns. Click the link below to access the Q&A.

Ramadhaan this year doesn’t have to be any less engaging than it usually is for our children. In the light of stay at home orders, and masajid around the world encouraging for its members to stay in self-isolation as a preventative measure against COVID-19.

This is a great time to remind our families about the profound opportunity that we are being given to spend this Ramadhaan in the comforts of our homes, free from distractions, so that we can make the most of our ibaadah. Being open, and frank with your children about the conditions we are in is key.There is so many things that parents can do to also help make Ramadhaan meaningful, fun, and relevant for our children and teens. This Ramadhaan Tarbiyah Outside the Box and Everyday Ibaadah has come together in order to provide a one-of-the kind free downloadable activity workbook geared towards Muslim teens between the ages of 13 and 17.

Why the Focus on Teenagers?

Due to their independence and maturity, we often times overlook the need to provide opportunities and activities to engage our adolescent children. With countless resources available for younger children on the web and Islamic books available for adults, there seems to be quite a void for Muslim teens.

This FREE workbook is filled with simple, straightforward activities that will keep your teenager busy with benefit, inshallah Allah!

What’s in the Workbook?

Activities in the workbook are based upon two virtuous resources:

  • a summarized, “Welcoming the Month of Ramadan,” by Shaykh Ahmed Al-Najmi (رحمه الله)

  • and the book, “Important Lessons for Ramadan: 30 Daily Lessons for the Blessed Month of Ramadan,” by Skaykh Abd Al-Razaaq Al-Abbad.

Activities center around helping teenagers understand the importance of this sacred month, aspects of ibaadah, fasting, and additional benefits for the believer in this life, and the next. There are also a few resources for your teen that can be used to help support them in their fast.

Insha Allah, these activities will serve as encouragement and help them enact the statement of the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم ):

“Whoever fasts Ramadan with Eeman and hoping for the reward, his past sins will be forgiven.”

Collected by Al-Bukhari (2014) and Muslim (760)

In addition, we have organized a series of challenges geared towards children and teens between the ages of 5 and 17. Ramadhaan Challenges will be announced weekly according to age group along with guidelines and activity descriptions.

Challenges will be Ramadhaan themed and children will submit according to a deadline in order to be selected for prizes issued the following week.

Our first challenge will begin April 28, 2020 for children between the ages of 5 and 7. Children will be asked to create a Sadaqah jar using any recycled material or medium.

What else are We Offering for the Youth?

In addition, we have organized a series of challenges geared towards children and teens between the ages of 5 and 17. Insha Allah, Ramadhaan challenges will be announced weekly according to age group along with guidelines and activity descriptions on our social media accounts (i.e. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).

Challenges will be Ramadhaan-themed and children will submit according to a deadline in order to be selected for prizes issued the following week. The challenges for 5 to 7 year olds will coincide with a FREE Ramadhaan Workbook Everyday Ibaadah has published for smaller children.

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